Single Chart Mode
Upload a CSV file to the Confluence page
City,Jan,Feb,Mar Beijing,120,80,200 Shanghai,140,50,210 Guangzhou,170,100,250 Hongkong,150,70,300 Taibei,180,120,280 In Single Chart Mode: First column and row will be used as data series.
- Insert SVG Chart Macro
- Configure the macro, select uploaded file and Using SVG Chart Macro
Combined Chart Mode
Upload a CSV file to the target Confluence page
<type>,City,Jan,Feb,Mar ,Beijing,120,80,200 bubble,Shanghai,140,50,210 line,Guangzhou,170,100,250 bar,Hongkong,150,70,300 ,Taibei,180,120,280 In Combined Chart Mode: First column will be used for legend. Title has to be <type> assigning chart type for each line. If it's blank or with invalid character, it will display based on the basic chart type selected in SVG Chart Macro. Second column will be used for data series.
- Insert SVG Chart Macro
- Edit macro parameters, select uploaded CSV file and Using SVG Chart Macro
Supported chart types in the combined chart mode:
- bar
- line
- spline
- area
- area-spline
- step
- area-step
- bubble
- If unsupported chart type is selected such as pie chart, the bar chart will be used instead.
- In combined chart mode, data series will be based on data from columns.
- Combined chart mode doesn't support quick switch tool bar.