Single chart mode

In single mode:

  • the data in the first row and column of the embedded table or CSV file will be used as the title of the chart.

Combination chart mode

In combination mode,

  • the first row of the embedded table or CSV file will be used as the title of the chart. 
  • the first column of embedded table or CSV file will be used as the chart type for each series.
  • the second column of the embedded table or CSV file will be used as the title of the chart. 
  • only available for series orientation is 'columns'    

To show multi-chart in on diagram:

  1. input <type> as header of first column
  2. input available chart type for each line

Supported chart types in the combined chart mode:
  • bar
  • line
  • spline
  • area
  • area-spline
  • step
  • area-step
  • bubble
  • If unsupported chart type is selected such as pie chart, the bar chart will be used instead. 
  • In combined chart mode, data series will be based on data from columns.
  • Combined chart mode doesn't support quick switch tool bar. 

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