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The Issue Navigator displays the search results from an issue filter, a Quick Search or an Advanced Search.

You can customise your Issue Navigator by choosing:

  • which columns (i.e. issue fields) to display
  • how many rows (i.e. issues) to display

On this page:

Customising your Issue Navigator columns

To choose which columns (i.e. issue fields) to display in your Issue Navigator,

  1. Click the 'Issues' link in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. The Issue Navigator will be displayed.
  2. From the 'Tools' menu at the right of the screen (above the search results), select 'Configure Columns'. The following will be displayed:
    • To move a column left or right, click on the left-arrow or right-arrow icon that appears under the column's heading.
    • To remove a column from the list, click the bin icon which appears under the column's heading.
    • To add a column to the list, select the issue field name from the drop-down box titled 'Add New Column' and click the 'Add' button. The column will appear as the right-most column in the list. You can then position the column where desired by using the arrow icons.
    • To hide the 'Actions' column, click the 'Hide Actions Column' button at the top of the screen.
    • To restore the default configuration, click the 'Restore Defaults' link.

Customising your Issue Navigator rows

To choose how many rows (i.e. issues) to display on each page of your Issue Navigator:

  1. Click your user name at the top-right of the page to open your User Profile.
  2. Click 'Edit Preferences', under 'Operations' in the left-hand column of the screen.
  3. Enter your preferred 'Number of Issues displayed per Issue Navigator page', (The default is 50).
  4. Click the 'Update' button.

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