


  • 该行被添加。
  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。

JIRA强大的 问题搜索 功能可以让你 save 一个搜索条件以便日后重复使用。保存的搜索条件叫做 问题过滤器。


  • 将问题结果显示在 问题导航器中, where you can view and export them in various formats 然后你可以查看或输出到其他格式 (RSS, Excel, etc)
  • display the search results in a report format
  • display the search results in a dashboard Gadget
  • share the search with colleagues (see below)
  • add another user's shared filter as a favourite (see below)
  • Excel等)
  • 报告中显示搜索的结果
  • 面板小工具中显示搜索结果
  • 将搜索条件共享给同事 (查看 下面章节)
  • 将其他人贡献的过滤器添加到自己的收藏夹 (查看 下面章节)
  • 将搜索结果按照你设定的日程定期 给你发送邮件have the search results emailed to you according to your preferred schedule




  1. Refine and run your search as described in 'Searching for Issues'.
  2. Click the 'Save it as a filter' link in the left-hand column of the Issue Navigator.
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  3. The 'Save Current Filter' page will display. Provide a name for the new issue filter and optionally enter a short description.
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  4. Your new filter will be added as a favourite filter by default upon creation. If you do not wish this filter to be added as a favourite, deselect the star icon. You can add the filter as a favourite after it has been created. Read more about adding an existing filter as a Favourite.
  5. The sharing of your new filter is defaulted, depending on your sharing preference in your user profile. If you have not specified a personal preference, then the global default for sharing will apply (i.e. 'Private', unless changed by your JIRA Administrator under 'User Defaults' in the Administration menu). If you wish to change the sharing of your filter, refer to the instructions on sharing filters below.

Please note, you need the 'Create Shared Object' global permission to be able to share your filter. If you cannot see the 'Shares' fields, contact your JIRA Administrator to have this permission added to your profile.


The 'Manage Filters' page allows you to view and configure filters that you have created, as well as work with filters that other users have shared with you.

  1. 依照搜索问题章节中的方法,完善和执行搜索。
  2. 点击问题导航器左侧的 '保存为过滤器 链接,将搜索条件保存为过滤器。
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  3. 会显示'保存当前过滤器'页面。输入新问题过滤器的名称和描述。
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  4. 默认创建的过滤器会自动添加到你的收藏夹。 如果你不希望这个过滤器添加到收藏夹, 点击星形图标,使之变为灰色。 你可以在以后任何时间收藏这个过滤器。更多信息请参阅 收藏过滤器章节。
  5. 新创建的过滤器的共享方式将采用 用户信息中的默认共享方式。 如果你没有指定参数,就会使用系统默认的共享方式 ( '私有', 除非JIRA管理员更改了'用户默认'中的共享方式)。 如果你希望更改过滤器的共享方式,请参加下面的 共享过滤器 章节。

如果你没有看到过滤器共享方式, 可能你没有 '创建共享的对象' 的全局权限。请联系JIRA系统管理员获得这个权限。


'管理过滤器' 页面允许你查看和配置你创建的过滤器, 也可以查看或执行其他用户共享给你的过滤器。

  1. 打开页面顶部导航菜单的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器'选项。
  2. 会显示 '管理过滤器' 页面。在这个也没按, 你可以执行下面的操作:
  3. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  4. The 'Manage Filters' page will display. From this page, you can perform the functions listed below:



Issue filters that you created or that have been shared by other people can be added as a favourite filter. This means that the filter will appear in the 'Filters' dropdown in the top menu, as well as, display in the 'Favourite Filters' gadget on your dashboard (if you have this gadget added to your dashboard).

Follow the steps below to add an existing shared filter as a favourite:

你创建的过滤器或使用其他用户共享的过滤器可以被添加到收藏夹中。 收藏夹中的过滤器会显示在导航菜单中的 '过滤器' 下拉菜单中, 也可以显示在面板中的 '我收藏的过滤器' 小工具中。 (如果你已经在面板中添加了小工具)。


  1. 打开页面顶部导航菜单的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器'选项。
  2. 找到你希望收藏的过滤器。如果你创建了过滤器,你的过滤器将显示在 '我的' 标签页里, 或者你可以在 '搜索' 标签页里 搜索 一个其他人共享的过滤器。
    • 已经收藏的过滤器会在左侧显示黄色星形图标。
    • 没有收藏的过滤器会在左侧显示灰色星形图标。
  3. 直接点击过滤器左侧的星形图标就可以收藏或取消收藏。
  4. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  5. Locate the filter you wish to add as a favourite. If you created the filter, it will be listed under the 'My' tab, otherwise you can search for filters shared by other users via the 'Search' tab.
    • Filters that are already favourites are shown with a yellow star.
    • Filters that are not currently your favourites are shown with a grey star.
  6. Click the star icon next to the filter name to select it as a favourite.



Issue filters that you have created can be shared with other users via user groups, projects and project roles. Issue filters can also be shared globally.

Follow the steps below to share an existing issue filter:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Locate the filter you wish to share under the 'My' tab, and click the 'Edit' link in the 'Operations' column.
  3. Select the group, project or project role that you want to share the filter with, or share it with all users, if you wish. Click the 'Add' link to add the share. You can add further share permissions if you wish.
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  4. Click 'Save' to save your changes.

你创建的过滤器可以共享给其他用户组, 项目和项目角色成员。也可以共享给所有用户使用。


  1. 打开页面顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 。
  2. 选择 '我的' 标签页, # 找到需要共享的过滤器,点击对应行 '操作' 栏中的 '编辑' 链接。
  3. 选择希望这个过滤器共享给哪些用户组, 项目或项目角色, 或共享给所有用户。 点击 '添加' 链接来增加共享方式。 你可以添加多个共享条件。
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  4. 点击 '保存' 按钮使更改生效。

如果你没有看到过滤器共享方式, 可能你没有 '创建共享的对象' 的全局权限。请联系JIRA系统管理员获得这个权限。


If the filter sharing functions described above are not available to you, you probably do not have the 'Create Shared Object' global permission assigned to you. Please contact your JIRA administrator to obtain this permission.



Issue filters that you have created or have been shared by other users can be found via the issue filter search function of the 'Manage Filters' page. If the filter has been added as a favourite by many users, you also may be able locate it on the 'Popular' tab of the 'Manage Filters' page. This tab lists the top twenty most popular filters, counted by the number of users that have selected the filter as a favourite.

Follow the steps below to search for an existing issue filter:

你创建的或其他用户共享给你的过滤器可以在'管理过滤器'页面搜索到。 如果过滤器已经被许多用户收藏, 你还可以在 '管理过滤器' 页面的 '热门'标签页中 看到热门过滤器列表。 这个页面按照用户数统计前20个被用户喜爱的过滤器。


  1. 打开页面顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 选项。
  2. 点击 '搜索' 标签页。 会显示问题过滤器的搜索页面。输入问题过滤器的搜索条件(如名称、作者等) ,点击 '搜索' 按钮开始查找过滤器。
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  3. 查找到的过滤器结果会显示在同一页面。点击过滤器的名称就可以直接运行过滤器,并返回问题结果。你也可以点击栏标题,对搜索结果进行排序。
  4. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  5. Click the 'Search' tab. The issue filter Search will display. Enter your search criteria and click 'Search' to run the search.
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  6. Your search results will be displayed on the same page. Click the name of any issue filter to run it and select it as your current filter. You can also sort the search results by any of the columns, by clicking the column headers.



You can always update the details, i.e. Name, Description, Sharing, Favourite, of an existing Issue Filter after its creation. Please note that you can only update the details of Issue Filters which you have created.

Follow the steps below to update the details of one of your existing issue filters:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Click the 'My' tab. This tab displays all the filters that have been created by you.
  3. Locate the filter you wish to update, and click the 'Edit' link in the 'Operations' column.
  4. The 'Save Current Filter' page will display. Update the filter details as required. If you wish to change the sharing or favourite settings for the filter, refer to the relevant instructions above.
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  5. Click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

你可以随时更新过滤器, 例如 名称, 描述, 共享方式, 是否收藏。 请注意,你只能更新自己创建的过滤器的明细。


  1. 打开页面顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 。
  2. 选择 '我的' 标签页, 这个标签页显示你创建的所有过滤器。
  3. 找到需要更新的过滤器,点击对应行 '操作' 栏中的 '编辑' 链接。
  4. 将会显示 '保存当前过滤器' 页面。 更新过滤器的明细。 如果你希望修改 共享方式是否收藏 设置, 请参阅前面章节的介绍。
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  5. 点击 '保存' 按钮。

如果你没有看到过滤器共享方式, 可能你没有 '创建共享的对象' 的全局权限。请联系JIRA系统管理员获得这个权限。


If the filter sharing functions described above are not available to you, you probably do not have the 'Create Shared Object' global permission assigned to you. Please contact your JIRA administrator to obtain this permission.



The search criteria of an existing issue filter can always be changed after creation by editing the issue filter. You can also clone an existing issue filter via the edit function.

Issue filters that have been created by you or shared with you by other users can be edited and/or cloned.

Follow the steps below to edit and/or clone an existing issue filter:




  1. 打开顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 。

  2. 找到需要编辑/复制的过滤器, 点击过滤器的名称,运行选择的过滤器。

    • 如果当前的过滤器 不是你创建的 (也就是说这个过滤器是其他用户共享给你的), 你只能通过点击页面左上角的 '新建' 链接,以当前过滤器为模板,保存为 你自己的 过滤器。
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      1. 按照前面章节 保存搜索条件为问题过滤器 中的第3步保存你新建的过滤器。

      2. 一旦创建了你自己的过滤器, 你就可以按照下面的步骤编辑过滤器搜索条件了。

    • 如果当前的过滤器 是你创建的, 可以执行下面的操作:

      • 要以当前过滤器为蓝本复制为一个新的过滤器 (不编辑过滤器的搜索条件), 确认你选择了 '查看' 链接。 一旦搜索结果显示在页面右侧的问题过滤器部分中, 点击 '另存为 新过滤器' 链接,就可以将当前过滤器复制为新的过滤器,并允许你指定新的过滤器名称和描述。

      • 要更改当前过滤器的名称, 描述和共享方式, 点击 '重命名或共享 当前过滤器'。

      • 要更改当前过滤器的搜索条件:
        1. 点击页面左上角的 '编辑' 链接。 左上角的菜单会刷新并会显示出搜索条件框。
        2. 编辑搜索条件。
        3. 如果你在 简单搜索 模式中修改搜索条件, 点击 '查看 & 隐藏' 按钮。 搜索条件框会隐藏并在页面左侧显示搜索结果。
        4. 要将修改后的搜索条件保存为新的过滤器, 点击 '另存为 新过滤器' 链接。
        5. 要直接保存修改后的搜索条件并覆盖旧过滤器, 点击 '保存 ' 链接。
    On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
    Locate the filter you wish to edit/clone, and click the name of the issue filter to run it and select it as your current filter.
    • If the current filter was not created by you (that is, the filter is shared by another user), you will only have the option to save the search as your own new issue filter by clicking the 'Create new filter from current' link.
      Image Removed Follow the Saving a search to an Issue Filter procedure (above) from step 3 for details on saving your new filter.
      After creating your new filter, you can follow the steps below to modify the filter's search criteria.
      If the current filter was created by you, the following options are available:
      • To clone the current filter with a new name (without modification to the filter's search criteria), ensure that the 'View' link has been selected. Once the search results have displayed in the Issue Navigator on the right hand side of the page, click 'Save as new filter' to clone the current filter with a new name and description.
        To change the name, description and sharing criteria of the current filter, click 'Rename or Share the current filter'.
        To edit the current filter's search criteria, such as updating which fields are searched or the search terms themselves and save it:
        1. Click the 'Edit' link at the top of the left hand menu. The left hand menu will refresh and the search criteria of the filter will display.
        2. Modify the search criteria as required.
        3. If you modified your search criteria in 'simple searching' mode, click the 'View & Hide' button. The filter operations will be displayed on the left hand side of the page.
        4. To save the modified search as a new issue filter, click the 'Save as new filter' link.
        5. To overwrite the current filter with the modified search criteria, click the 'Save changes to filter' link.



You can add an Issue Navigator Column Order to a saved filter. The results of a filter are displayed according to the saved column order, if the filter has one. Otherwise, the results are displayed according to your personal column order (if you have set this) or the system default.

你可以将问题导航栏顺序添加到过滤器中。如果过滤器只设置了一个问题导航栏顺序,过滤器返回的问题结果就会按照指定的导航栏顺序输出。如果过滤器设置了多个问题导航栏顺序, 问题结果就会按照系统默认或你设置的个人导航栏顺序(如果你已经设置)显示。


要在过滤器订阅中使用你配置的导航栏顺序, 你必须在你的个人信息中将 '邮件类型' 配置为 'HTML'。如果你接收JIRA发送的TEXT格式邮件,你将无法配置导航栏顺序。


To display your configured column order in a filter subscription, you must select 'HTML' for the 'Outgoing email format' in your User Profile. If you are receiving text emails from JIRA, you will not be able to see your configured column order.



To add a column layout to a saved filter,


  1. 打开页面顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 。
  2. 选择 '我的' 标签页, 找到需要添加的导航栏,点击对应行 '操作' 栏中的 '' 链接。
  3. 添加你需要的导航栏。
  4. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  5. Select the 'My' tab, locate the filter whose column layout you to reorder and save, and then click that filter's 'Columns' link in the 'Operations' column.
  6. Configure the column order as desired. You can configure the column order the same way you would configure your personal Issue Navigator column order.



To remove a filter's saved column layout,



  1. 打开页面顶部菜单导航栏的 '问题' 下拉菜单,并选择 '管理过滤器' 。
  2. 选择 '我的' 标签页, 找到需要移除的导航栏,点击对应行 '操作' 栏中的 '' 链接。
  3. 点击 '移除导航栏顺序' 链接。就会恢复系统默认的导航栏顺序。
  4. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  5. Select the 'My' tab, locate the filter whose column layout you wish to remove and click that filter's 'Columns' link in the 'Operations' column.
  6. Click the 'Remove Filter's Column Order' link near the top of the page. The default column order will be restored.


Overriding Column Order

If a filter has a saved column order, the results will be presented using that column order when the filter is run. You can, however, choose to use your own column order (or the system default column order, if you do not have a personal one configured) to view the results. To do this, click the 'Use your default Column Order' link on the right of the Issue Navigator search results screen.


如果过滤器保存了导航栏顺序, 运行过滤器显示结果就会按照指定的导航栏顺序输出。 当然你也可以使用自己的导航栏顺序 (如果你还没有配置过自己的导航栏,也可以使用系统默认的) 查看搜索到的问题结果。 要更改导航栏顺序, 点击问题导航器页右侧的 '使用你默认的导航栏顺序' 链接。

要使用你自己的问题导航栏排序规则, 选择 '用户过滤器导航栏排序' 链接 To go back to using the filter's own column order, select the 'Use filter's Column Order' link.



When the results of a saved filter are exported to Excel, the column order and choice of columns are those that were saved with the filter. Even if a user has configured a personal column order for the results on the screen, the saved configuration is used for the Excel export. To export using your own configuration, save a copy of the filter along with your configuration and then export the results to Excel.




当将过滤器搜索结果输出到Excel,导航栏顺序和选择的导航栏将会保存到过滤器。 即使用户已经定义了搜索结果的个人导航栏, 保存的配置 被用于Excel的输出。要在输出时使用你自己的配置,将过滤器保存为副本,再输出。