

如果要上传附件, 你的JIRA管理员必须开启 附件(链接到Atlassian网站)功能。你也需要有指定项目的 '上传附件' 权限(链接到Atlassian网站)




  1. 打开你需要上传附件的JIRA问题
  2. 在*更多操作* 菜单中, 选择 '上传附件'
  3. '上传附件' 对话框就会出现:
  4. 点击 '浏览' 按钮查找需要上传的文件。
    • 你可以一次上传多个附件: 一旦你选择了一个文件, 文件名会显示在 上传附件 对话框上方, 然后通过 浏览 按钮上传其他附件。
    • 如果你选错了附件, 取消对话框上方文件名前面的对勾。
    • 默认情况下, 每个上传文件的大小限制在10MB以内, 当然那JIRA管理员可以改变文件大小的限制。查看 开启附件(链接到Atlassian网站)了解具体设置。
    • 文件名不能包括以下字符: '\', '/','\"', '%', ':', '$', '?', '*'
  5. 你可以为附件输入一些补充说明。
    (信息) 如果你输入了备注, 你就可以通过点击锁图标,选择这个备注可以让哪些用户查看。 默认地,备注可以被 '所有用户'查看。
  6. 点击 '上传' 按钮


默认情况下, JIRA会在查看问题页面显示上传的图像文件 (如 GIFs, JPGs, PNGs), 包括问题的任何 截图 的'缩略图'。

截图: 查看上传到问题的图像

(信息) 如果JIRA管理员在JIRA中禁止了附件(链接到Atlassian网站)中的缩率图功能,就不会显示图像缩略图,图像文件只会显示在附件列表中。

你可以点击图像缩略图在弹出框中预览大图。 如果为问题上传了多个图像文件, 点击预览图像的左侧或右侧查看上一张或下一张图片。

截图: 预览上传的图片文件


You can sort the list of attachments on JIRA issues in ascending or descending order according to the attachment file name or date of attachment to the issue. To do this:

  1. Open a JIRA issue with attachments.
  2. Click the down-arrow icon to the right of the Attachments section and select the required sort criteria or order options provided in the list.

    (信息) Your final sort criteria and order options will also apply to image thumbnails and all subsequent issues viewed.

Accessing ZIP-format File Contents

When viewing an issue, JIRA allows you to browse and access the contents of any ZIP-format file (such as those with a '.zip' or '.jar' file name extension) attached to an issue.

To browse the contents of a zipped attachment and access its files:

  1. Open a JIRA issue with an attached zipped file.
  2. Click the right-arrow icon to the left of the zipped file's name.
  3. The contents of the zipped file are listed. From this expanded list, you can access the zipped file's individual files by clicking their linked names or you can download the whole zipped file in its entirety by clicking the Download Zip link.

    (信息) If a file is located within a subdirectory of the zipped file, then the path to that file is indicated in the content of the zipped file. For example, the content of Files.zip listed in the screenshot above shows that File 5.txt is located within the Folder 1 subdirectory of Files.zip.

(信息) If your JIRA administrator has disabled ZIP support in JIRA's Attachment Settings, then this feature will not be available and you must download the zip file to your computer before accessing its individual files.

Exporting All Attachments as a ZIP File

To download all the files attached to an issue (including any screenshots) as a single ZIP file:

  1. Open the JIRA issue from which you wish to export all attachments as a zip file.
  2. Click the down-arrow icon to the right of the Attachments section and select 'Download All' from the dropdown menu.

Removing a File Attachment from an Issue

To remove a file attachment from a JIRA issue:

  1. Open the JIRA issue from which you wish to remove a file.
  2. Click the down-arrow icon to the right of the Attachments section and select 'Manage Attachments' from the dropdown menu.
  3. The 'Manage Attachments' page will appear:
  4. Locate the file you wish to delete and click the 'Delete Attachment' icon:
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