- 创建者: 匿名用户,上次更新者: Hote 何腾 [Unlimax],更新时间:2014-12-25 需要 5 分钟阅读时间
JIRA 6.3.3 - 2014年8月11
- JIRA工作流触发器:可响应已连接的开发工具中的事件
- 批量创建问题
- 内联图像渲染器
- 提高搜索性能
- JIRA数据中心健康度检测
- 详情请参考 release notes
JIRA 6.3 - 2014年7月9日
- 发布JIRA数据中心,更高的实用性、可扩展性,软件性能更好。
- 敏捷团队可在敏捷板上即可创建问题
- 管理员可以在问题页面添加模块和版本
- 增强审计功能
- 增加数据导入选择
- 详情请参考 release notes
JIRA 6.2 – 2014年2月25日
- 问题查看页面上集成开发的仪表盘
- 增强工作流设计器的功能
- 简化问题类型配置
- 更新问题状态的展示图标
- 审计
- 记录每个问题的创建人
- 备份和恢复索引
- 索引单个项目
- 详情请参考 release notes
JIRA 6.1 – 2013年9月24日
- 新的工作流设计器
- 新的项目模板
- 直观的自定义字段配置——标准字段类型和高级字段类型,可在问题查看页面添加字段
- 编辑项目关键字
- 在LDAP中修改用户名
- JIRA密码策略
- 可集成到编码工具—— 在JIRA和JIRA Agile上创建分支
- GreenHopper改名为JIRA Agile,Bonfire改名为JIRA Capture
- 更多信息请参考release notes
JIRA 6.0 – 2013年5月21日
- 新的JIRA外观 Atlassian Design Guidelines
- 搜索界面可查看问题详情,且可执行操作
- JIRA手机端
- 共享工作流
- 新增项目模板
- 新管理员小工具
- 可编辑用户名
- 全局工作流方案
- 可翻译自定义字段
- 更多信息请参考release notes
JIRA 5.2 — 2012年11月12日
- 瞬间搜索 — 新的立即搜索条和搜索结果,在搜索导航页共享过滤器,预先内置系统过滤器
- 后台索引
- 通过JIRA配置工具完成SSL配置
- 可下载的工具——改进数据生成器与HTTP请求日志分析器
- 企业级指南— 多个JIRA相结合和扩展GreenHopper
- 问题的Webhooks
- 重新设计项目工作流配置
- 演示项目
- 内部帮助技巧
- 其他 — 改进浏览项目界面、JIRA管理员助手、复制/编辑问题收集器、UPM 2.7、小工具列排序、与Confluence消息盒兼容,支持Java 7和Tomcat 7
JIRA 5.1 — 2012年7月9日
- Inline editing and fewer page reloads
- Enterprise scale and performance improvements
- Issue collector
- Project administration improvements — easier workflow editing
- Deactivate users
- 'Autowatch' issues you create or comment on
- Remote and local JIRA issue link improvements
- Get started faster — welcome page, automatically suggested project keys and invite users
- Automatic time zone detection
- Notify on my actions now disabled by default
- Configurable JIRA home page
- User Gravatar support
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 5.0 — 2012年2月22日
- Remote issue links
- Share issues and mention users
- Rapid create and edit issues
- Search for issues based on their history
- Activity streams now show activity from other applications
- Manage other users' shared filters and dashboards
- Administration user interface improvements
- REST API (with tutorials) for working with issues in JIRA
- Stable Java API
- New troubleshooting and debugging tools
- New email handler wizard
- Enhancements to the 'view issue' page
- JIRA Add-Ons (Plugins and Integrations)
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 4.4 — 2 August 2011
- User Time Zones
- Visual Workflow Designer
- Workflow Viewer on the 'View Issue' Screen
- Search (JQL) Enhancements
- Improved Setup Wizard with Database Configuration
- Improved JIRA Standalone Installer/Uninstaller and Automated Upgrade
- New-Look Administration Area
- Simplified Project Administration
- New Email Style
- Issue Linking when Resolving an Issue
- Editable Options for Custom Fields
- Multiple File Selection and Upload from the 'File Upload' Dialog Box
- New-look Activity Stream
- Graph of Vote History
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 4.3 — 16 March 2011
- Full Integration with LDAP and Active Directory
- New Plugin Management System
- Improved Importer
- JIRA Now Supports 'In-place Database Upgrades'
- Search for Issue Changes, Relative Dates and Relative Versions with JQL
- Quick Search Enhancements
- Revamped User Avatars
- Improvements to Issue Links
- Remembered Assignees
- Security Enhancements
- Application Links: Connecting Applications Together
- REST API Improvements
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 4.2 — 21 October 2010
- Keyboard Shortcuts and 'Operations Dialog'
- Editable 'Original Estimate'
- 'Log Work' Fields Available When Resolving Issues
- Labels
- User Avatars
- Viewable ZIP Files
- REST API (Alpha)
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 4.1 — 8 April 2010
- New-look 'View Issue'
- Streamlined Keyboard Shortcuts
- Customisable Email Subject
- Image Gallery
- ZIP Download of Attachments
- List of Logged-in Users
- JIRA Standalone ships with JIRA Configuration Tool, Database Drivers and Tomcat 6.0
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 4.0 — 6 October 2009
- Advanced Searching
- Dashboard Gadgets
- Activity Streams
- New-look "Browse Project"
- Charting Now Comes Standard
- New-look Header
- Issue Actions in the Issue Navigator
- Project Icons
- Default Unit for Time Tracking
- "History" is now permanent
- Engine Room
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.13 — 9 September 2008
- Shareable dashboards
- Improved filter sharing
- Favourite filters and dashboards
- Restoring projects
- Editable active workflows
- Enhanced sub-task quick creation
- Personal licenses
- New plugins
- Progress bar for long-running operations
- Application improvements
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.12 — 7 December 2007
- 'Trusted' Confluence
- 'JIRA System Administrators' permission
- FishEye plugin now bundled with JIRA
- Improvements to the Subversion plugin
- Improvements to the 'Project Statistics' and 'Filter Statistic' portlets
- New post function for workflows: 'Assign to Current User'
- Enhanced language support for searching
- Visual SourceSafe plugin
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.11 — 25 September 07
- Sub-task progress shown within issues
- Issue Navigator offers sub-task aggregates
- Time Tracking reports now include sub-tasks
- Multi-project 'Road Map' portlet
- Performance improvements
- Indexing improvements
- JIRA Labels Plugin
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.10 — 9 July 2007
- Editable Worklogs
- Start Date for Worklogs
- New way to browse Components
- New way to browse Versions
- Auto-complete 'User-picker' and 'Issue-picker'
- Auto-complete 'Issue-picker'
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.9 — 8 May 2007
- Ability to convert sub-tasks to issues (and vice versa)
- Convenient new scheduler for filter subscriptions
- Separate permissions for 'Delete Comment', 'Delete Attachment' and 'Delete Issue'
- Performance Improvements for Project Roles
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.8 — 13 March 2007
- Editable comments
- Self-installer for JIRA
- CAPTCHA for new account signup
- Integration with Crowd
- Improvements to the Bugzilla importer
- DHTML-loading of Issue screens
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.7 — 18 December 2006
- Project Roles - assign users and groups to roles on a per project basis
- Chart View - view charts in Issue Navigator using the JIRA Charting plugin
- RSS Improvements
- User Properties - record arbitrary information to the user profile (admin only)
- SVN project panel plugin - provides a summary of all commits made against a particular project or a project version
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.6 — 18 April 2006
- Custom Events - extension point for notification and workflow schemes
- Group Picker Custom Field - searchable in the issue navigator
- Per-issue Group Notifications and Permissions - based on the group picker custom field
- "I'm Feeling Lucky" Quick Search
- Collapsible Fields - control the level of detail of environment, description, individual comment fields and any textarea custom field
- Nestable Conditions - construct complex workflow conditions using nested conditions with AND or OR statements
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.5 — 01 February 2006
- Bulk Workflow Transition
- FogBugz Importer
- Charting Plugin
- MS Word Export
- JIRA Page Linker Plugin - linking a JIRA issue with a Confluence URL
- Component Lead Notification Type
- Bulk Assignment of Users to Groups
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.4 — 15 November 2005
- Issue Types Per Project
- Renderers - Confluence markup in JIRA text-based fields such as description and comments
- Issue Operation Plugin
- Announcement Banner
- RSS Support Improvements - live bookmarking with supported browsers
- Change Parent of Sub-Task
- Multi-user Custom Field
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.3 — 05 August 2005
- Multiple Project Filters - execute a search across multiple projects
- Bulk Move
- User Custom Field as Notification Target
- Extended Search Capabilities - search by date range for 'Created' and 'Updated' system fields and the custom field 'Date Time'
- JIRA Standalone ships with Tomcat 5.5
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.2 — 27 May 2005
- Field screens - configuration of field position and visibility for each issue operation and in Professional and Enterprise editions for each workflow transition screen
- Contextual custom fields - shared between projects and issue types
- Extended Bulk Edit Capabilities - Due Date, Reporter, Issue Security Level, Issue Type
- Improved internationalisation - Issue Constant Translations (Priorities, Statuses, Issue Types and Resolutions)
- Improved performace - quicker searching in the issue navigator and reports generation
- Smart Query
- Excel View
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.1 — 14 February 2005
- CSV Importer Wizard
- Add Comment on 'View Issue' field
- Webwork Plugin Type
- Assign Issues by Mail (via the CC field) using the Create Issue Handler
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
JIRA 3.0 — 2014年10月12日
- 工作流编辑器和可配置的工作流
- 子任务
- 插件系统
- 可插拔的自定义字段
- 面板调整
- 问题复制
- 更多信息请参考 release notes
- 1JIRA 6.3.3 - 2014年8月11
- 2JIRA 6.3 - 2014年7月9日
- 3JIRA 6.2 – 2014年2月25日
- 4JIRA 6.1 – 2013年9月24日
- 5JIRA 6.0 – 2013年5月21日
- 6JIRA 5.2 — 2012年11月12日
- 7JIRA 5.1 — 2012年7月9日
- 8JIRA 5.0 — 2012年2月22日
- 9JIRA 4.4 — 2 August 2011
- 10JIRA 4.3 — 16 March 2011
- 11JIRA 4.2 — 21 October 2010
- 12JIRA 4.1 — 8 April 2010
- 13JIRA 4.0 — 6 October 2009
- 14JIRA 3.13 — 9 September 2008
- 15JIRA 3.12 — 7 December 2007
- 16JIRA 3.11 — 25 September 07
- 17JIRA 3.10 — 9 July 2007
- 18JIRA 3.9 — 8 May 2007
- 19JIRA 3.8 — 13 March 2007
- 20JIRA 3.7 — 18 December 2006
- 21JIRA 3.6 — 18 April 2006
- 22JIRA 3.4 — 15 November 2005
- 23JIRA 3.3 — 05 August 2005
- 24JIRA 3.2 — 27 May 2005
- 25JIRA 3.1 — 14 February 2005
- 26JIRA 3.0 — 2014年10月12日
- 无标签