此文档描述了如何将Confluence升级至较新版本。这些指引适用于Confluence Standalone发布版本,Confluence Standalone发布版本内置了Apache Tomcat应用服务器。

如果你计划在现有的应用服务器上升级EAR/WAR发布版本,请参考升级Confluence - EAR-WAR发布版本




  1. 请注意要执行升级,你需要处于软件维护期内。
  2. 请确定在升级前你的授权支持期限在有效期内。
  3. 如果授权支持已过期,但是你具有一个新的授权码,请在Confluence中更新授权码。
    (警告) 如果授权支持已过期,你将在升级过程中收到错误信息。请参考:更新当前授权期限http://http//confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Updating+your+JIRA+License+Details
  4. 查看新版本Confluence的发布说明,以及跨版本升级中主要版本的升级说明。
    (信息) 如果你从Confluence 2.5.5之前的版本进行升级,升级说明位于发布说明页的头部。
  5. 确保你的运行环境(数据库、操作系统、应用服务器等)符合Confluence的配置要求,Confluence新版本的配置要求可能与旧版本不同。
  6. 如果你使用Confluence EAR-WAR发布版本,请参考升级Confluence - EAR-WAR发布版本
  7. 如果使用外部数据库,请首先查看对应数据库的已知问题。也请确认Confluence数据库连接账号具有修改数据库架构的权限。
  8. 如果你已经安装了附加的Confluence插件(不随Confluence提供),请验证这些插件是否与欲升级版本的Confluence兼容。你可以通过Atlassian Plugin Exchange查看相应插件的版本兼容信息。一旦你确认了插件兼容性,请在升级Confluence后进行插件升级。插件升级可通过管理面板中的插件库来完成。
  9. 如果你之前对Confluence应用了任何定制,请检查它们在新版本中的兼容性。例如,你可能修改了版式或者应用了自定义主题,请首先在测试环境中测试它们是否可用。



To install Confluence, unzip the new Confluence installation zip file into a directory of your choice and then edit the configuration files to point your new installation to your existing data files. Follow these instructions:

  1. Shut down your existing Confluence instance.
  2. Download the Confluence Standalone zip file.
  3. If you are on Windows, please check your unzip program before extracting the downloaded zip file. Some archive-extract programs cause errors when unzipping the Confluence zip file. You should use a third-party unzip program like 7Zip or Winzip. If you do not have one, please download and install one before continuing:
  4. Use your unzip program to unzip the installation file. You should now have a new directory called confluence-<version>, e.g. confluence-2.9.2-std.
  5. Edit the confluence-init.properties file found at: <Installation-Directory>\confluence\WEB-INF\classes\confluence-init.properties
    and update 'confluence.home' to point to your existingConfluence Home directory.
  6. If you are running Confluence as a Windows service, use <Installation-Directory>\bin\tomcat5w.exe to remove and re-install the Tomcat service.  Or use the command prompt and type <Installation-Directory>\bin\service.bat remove Confluence.

    It is vital that you stop and remove the existing service prior to uninstalling the old instance of Confluence! For more information on running Confluence as Windows service, please refer to the Start Confluence automatically on Windows as a Service topic.

    (警告) To remove the service installed by Confluence Auto Installer, you need to run the <confluence auto installer installation folder>\UninstallService.bat.

  7. If you are using an external database (i.e. not the embedded HSQLDB database supplied for evaluation purposes), copy the jdbc driver jar file from your old Confluence Standalone installation to the new Confluence Standalone installation. The jdbc driver jar file in the old Confluence Standalone installation should be located in either the <Install-Directory>/common/lib or <Installation-Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib directories. Once you have identified this file, copy it to either the <Install-Directory>/lib or <Installation-Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib directories of your Confluence 3.x installation.
  8. If you have delegated your user management to JIRA, LDAP, Crowd, or any other external user management system, copy the following files from your old Confluence installation to your new Confluence installation:
  9. If you have delegated your user management to Crowd, you will also need to copy the Crowd client library and configuration files from your old Confluence installation to your new Confluence installation: <Installation-Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/lib/crowd-integration-client-X.X.X.jar and <Installation-Directory>/confluence/WEB-INF/classes/crowd.properties. If you need more information, please refer to the Crowd documentation.
  10. Consider any adjustments you need to make to customisations and special configurations, as described below.
    (警告) Your new version of Confluence may not function correctly or could encounter problems or errors if these are not implemented.
  11. Start your new version of Confluence.
    (信息) Please note that Confluence will need to re-index attachments and this can take 5-10 minutes. Please wait until Confluence has finished indexing the attachments before trying to access Confluence via your web browser.
  12. During the startup process Confluence will create any missing database indexes. If you created any database indexes on your own, please check those afterwards and remove those that duplicate the indexes added by Confluence. Just in case you run into any errors which prevent Confluence from starting up, you can set the system property hibernate.hbm2ddl.skip_creating_missing_indexes to true to skip automatic index creation.
  13. Visit Confluence in your web browser and log in using a username from your previous Confluence installation. You should be able to log in immediately, without seeing the Setup Wizard.
  14. Take a quick look around your Confluence site to confirm that all your spaces and pages are present and everything looks normal. You should see the new Confluence version number in the page footer.

Reapplying Customisations to your New Confluence

Checking for Known Issues and Troubleshooting the Confluence Upgrade

Useful Plugins


Upgrading Confluence
Upgrading Confluence EAR-WAR Distribution
Confluence Installation Guide
Important Directories and Files
Site Backup and Restore
Database Configuration

Confluence Administrator's Guide