
  • Bamboo 服务器日志
    • Bamboo 服务器日志  — Bamboo 会将所有服务器活动记录在 atlassian-bamboo.log 文件中.  atlassian-bamboo.log 文件的保存路径可以在 Bamboo's 'System Information' 页面的 'Bamboo Paths' 中找到

      如果将Bamboo部署在 Tomcat 中, 日志将记录在 catalina.out 文件中.

    • atlassian-bamboo logs for elastic agents — Elastic agent activity is logged inside the elastic instance where the elastic agent runs. To access the elastic agent logs (atlassian-bamboo.log and bamboo-elastic-agent.out) use ssh to log in to your elastic instance as described in Viewing an elastic instance and retrieve the logs.
    • Bamboo远程代理日志 — 所有远程代理日志保存在注册代理服务器的 atlassian-bamboo-agent.log 文件中. 日志保存在代理服务器的运行目录中. 代理服务器的运行目录可以在 remote agent's system properties 页面的 'Bamboo Paths' 中找到.