
Add custom fields MANDATORY

Parallel Workflow Transition (PWT) requires 3 custom fields to record involved approver and related comments. Please follow the table below to add 3 custom fields in JIRA: 

Field name (Can be customized based on different scenario)

Field TypePurposeScreen说明

User Picker (multiple users)

To record the users that will approve the requests

Create issue/ Edit issue /View issue screen 
Approved By

User Picker (multiple users)

To record the users that have execute the approval action.

View issue screen 

Text Field (multi-line)

To record the comments provided by the approvers.


This field will be copied to the comments field in workflow.

This field can be set to invisible in the issue screen.

This field is NOT supposed to be editable to any users except approvers.

To improve user experience, go to Screen and Notification.

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