


  • 该行被添加。
  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。

JIRA allows you to vote for a particular issue 允许你为指定的问题 投票 — "voicing" your preference for that issue to be resolved or completed. JIRA also allows you to watch a particular issue, signing up for notifications of any updates relating to that issue (provided an appropriate notification scheme has been set up for the project by your JIRA administrator).

If you have the correct permissions (see below), you can also view the voter and watcher lists for an issue and, you can manage the watcher list — that is, add other people to the watcher list. This is useful if you need to draw someone's attention to a particular issue.

The voter and watcher lists are shown in at the right of the screen when viewing an issue:

Screenshot: an Issue's 'Votes and Watchers' section

Image Removed

You can:

  • click Image Removed to instantly vote for the issue.
    (信息) At any subsequent time when logged in, click this again to remove your vote.
  • if you have the correct permissions, click the hyperlinked number of votes to view the list of people who have voted for the issue.
  • click Image Removed to instantly become a watcher of the issue.
    (信息) At any subsequent time when logged in, click this again to stop watching the issue.
  • if you have the correct permissions, click the hyperlinked number of watchers to view and edit the list of people who are watching the issue. The Watchers form will appear (see screenshot below). You can type the required username(s) into the field provided, or click the 'user-picker' icon to select the username(s) from a list:

告诉" 其他人你认为这个问题对你非常重要,或者赞同问题的解决方案。 JIRA也允许你 关注 一个问题, 这个问题的任何变动都会通知你 (已经正确设置 通知方案)。

如果你的 权限 (请看下面章节)允许, 你也可以查看这个问题的投票人和关注者列表, 并且你也可以管理关注人列表 — 换句话说, 可以让其他的用户关注这个问题。如果你想引起某个用户对这个问题的注意是非常有用的。


截图: 问题的投票人和关注人

Image Added


  • 点击 Image Added 马上对这个问题投票。
    (信息) 登录后任何时候,再次点击可以取消对你这个问题的投票。
  • 如果你的 权限允许, 点击投票人数量的超级链接就可以看到谁对这个问题投了票。
  • 点击 Image Added 马上关注这个问题的变化。
    (信息) 登录后任何时候,再次点击可以停止关注这个问题。
  • 如果你的 权限允许, 点击关注者数量的超级链接就可以看到谁在关注这个问题,也可以管理这个问题的关注者列表。 出现*关注人* 表单后 (查看下面的截图),你可以在框内输入要加入的关注者用户名,或点击'用户选择器'图标从列表中选择用户:

截图: 关注人列表 Screenshot: Watchers List

Image Modified




JIRA incorporates two permissions to govern who may view/edit the voter and watcher lists:

  • View Voters and Watchers — permits a user to view both the voter and watcher lists
  • Manage Watcher List — permits a user to view/edit the watcher list

These permissions are granted by your JIRA administrator, through a Permission Scheme.

包含两层 权限 来控制谁可以查看/编辑投票人和关注人列表:

  • 查看投票人和关注人 — 允许用户可以同时查看投票人和关注人列表
  • 管理关注人列表 — 允许用户可以查看/编辑关注人列表

这些权限由JIRA管理员通过 权限方案设置。


请注意: 投票人列表时没有办法编辑的。


Please note: It is not possible to edit the voter list.