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  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。

 原文链接 https://www.atlassian.com/licensing/purchase-licensing#managingmyaccount-1

1. 如何更改我在 My Atlassian 帐号的邮箱?



所有 My Atlassian 用户都使用 Atlassian ID 邮件地址作为登录账号。 目前,还无法更改你的Atlassian ID 帐号(邮件地址)。但是, 你可以把自己购买的产品授权,移动到新的帐号中。 要创建一个新的帐号,并将产品授权移动到新账号,请按照以下步骤操作:

  1. 使用旧帐号登录 My Atlassian
  2. 点击已购买产品左侧的 '+' 或者 '>' 符号,显示产品详情.
  3. 在 technical 或 billing 邮件字段中添加新的联系人邮箱,并点击 "Add." 添加。 如过你输入的新的联系人帐号不存在,则会提示你补充新账号详细资料如果你输入的新的联系人帐号不存在,则会提示你补充新账号详细资料.
  4. 通过点击 'x' 符号,删除已经废弃的联系人邮箱, 产品授权将从当前帐号中移除.


已有联系人无法将其他联系人提升为主药账单联系人或主要技术联系人已有联系人无法将其他联系人提升为主要账单联系人或主要技术联系人. 如果你希望将新建的帐号作为主要联系人,你需要注销当前的帐号,并以新账号登录. 一旦你以新账号登录, 你就会收到新账号作为主要联系人的提示. 当前的主要联系人将会被降级为第二联系人,并且可以被删除掉. 

如果你无法访问 My Atlassian 中购买的产品授权,请 联系 Atlassian 销售团队. 你需要提供所希望移动到新账号的产品的 SEN (Support Entitlement Number) 号码.






要添加账单联系人和技术联系人, 任何已经存在的账单联系人和技术联系人都可以通过下面的步骤操作完成:

  1. 使用自己的帐号登录 My Atlassian 
  2. 找到需要添加联系人的产品,点击 '+' 或 '>' 符号,显示产品详情.
  3. 在 technical 或 billing 邮件字段中添加新的联系人邮箱,并点击 "Add." 添加。 如过你输入的新的联系人帐号不存在,则会提示你补充新账号详细资料.
  4. 通过点击 'x' 符号,删除已经废弃的联系人邮箱, 产品授权将从当前帐号中移除.

已有联系人无法将其他联系人提升为主药账单联系人或主要技术联系人已有联系人无法将其他联系人提升为主要账单联系人或主要技术联系人. 如果你希望让其他人作为主要联系人,你需要按照上面的步骤执行,然后再添加一步。

一旦你添加了联系人,你需要通知他(她)可以用自己的 Atlassian 帐号了If you would like to make someone a primary contact you will need to follow the above instructions and one additional step. Once you've added a contact, you will need to inform the new contact they can login into their My Atlassian account and promote themselves to the primary contact. The current primary contact will then be demoted to a secondary contact and can be removed if needed.帐号登录 my.atlassian.com 了,并提示他(她)将作为主要联系人。你可以决定是否将旧的主要联系人移除.

如果你无法访问 My Atlassian 中购买的产品授权,请 联系 Atlassian 销售团队. 你需要提供所希望移动到新账号的产品的 If you do not have access to the license details via My Atlassian, please contact our Sales Team. You will need to provide the SEN (Support Entitlement Number) for a product being moved. In addition, you may need to validate your account.号码.



如何更新我的 Atlassian 帐号资料?



你的联系信息都通过  Atlassian ID 详细资料管理. 要更新你的资料, 首先,登录你的帐号, 在 profile 页面更新资料,然后点击 "Save Changes" 保存.

目前,还无法更改你的Atlassian ID 帐号(邮件地址)。但是, 你可以把自己购买的产品授权,移动到新的帐号中。 要创建一个新的帐号,并将产品授权移动到新账号。步骤请参见 上述第1条。

4. 如何更改或重置我的 My.Atlassian 密码?




  1. 登录 id.atlassian.com .
  2. 查看你的个人资料(profile), 点击导航栏中你的用户名.
  3. 点击 "Change your password" 链接.
  4. 输入当前密码和新密码.
  5. 点击 "Update" 按钮保存.


如果你忘记了你的 Atlassian ID 或 My Atlassian ID 帐号的密码, 按照下面的步骤重置.

  1. 访问 

Monthly accounts

Any billing or technical contact of an Atlassian Cloud subscription can update the credit card on file. To update the credit card, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into my.atlassian.com. You'll arrive on the Licenses page by default.
  2. Click the '+' sign for your Atlassian Cloud instance. The account management pane will now display.
  3. In the Credit Card section, click Edit Credit Card to the right of the current card details. Enter the new card details then save the changes.

The new card will be charged on the next billing date. If your account is past due, the credit card will be charged once it is updated. 

Alternatively, if you are a Cloud site admin, you can see and update the credit card for your subscription within the site administration console by going to Image Removed > Billing > Payment details. From the Payment details section you can:

  • see the billing contact for your site
  • update the credit card details for your payment
  • update the billing address for your payment 

Annual accounts

You must be a site admin to update the credit card for an account on an annual subscription. Site Admins can see and update the credit card for your subscription within the site administration console by going to Image Removed > Billing > Payment details. From here you can:

  • see the billing contact for your site
  • update the credit card details for your payment
  • update the billing address for your payment

The new card will be charged on the next billing date. If your account is past due, the credit card will be charged once it is updated.

4. How can I update contact information on my Atlassian account?

Your contact information is managed with your Atlassian ID profile. To update your profile, log into your account, make the desired changes on your profile screen, then click "Save Changes".

At this time, it is not possible to change the email address on an Atlassian ID account. However, it is possible to move the server licenses or Atlassian Cloud subscriptions to a new account on the Atlassian website. To create a new account and move products, please see the directions above.

5. How can I change or reset My.Atlassian password?

To change your password:

  1. Visit id.atlassian.com and log in with your Atlassian ID or My Atlassian password.
  2. To view your profile, click your name in the navigation bar.
  3. Click on the "Change your password" link.
  4. Enter the current password and new password.
  5. Click the "Update" button to save.

To reset your password:

If you've forgotten the password for your Atlassian ID or My Atlassian ID account, follow these directions to reset it.

  1. Visit id.atlassian.com/id/forgotPassword.action
  2. Enter the email address associated with your account, then click 输入你注册帐号时的邮箱,然后点击  "Send New Password".We'll send you an email with a link that enables you to reset your password.
  3. Atlassian将会给你发送重置密码的链接,然后点击邮件中的链接,将引导你设置你的新密码。