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  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。

The 'User Workload' report displays useful time tracking information on issues assigned to a particular user. It shows the number of unresolved issues assigned to the specified user, and the workload remaining, on a per-project basis. 人员工作量' 报告分别显示每个问题经办人的 时间跟踪信息 。 报表显示基于一个项目,分配给某个用户的未解决的问题以及剩余工作时间。


注意: 这个报告只有当JIRA管理员 开启了时间跟踪 功能才有效。


Note: this report is only available if time tracking has been enabled by your JIRA administrator.

On this page:


What does the 'User Workload' report look like?

The report generated will look something like this:


The table shows the number of unresolved issues assigned to the specified user, and the workload remaining, on a per-project basis. The last line in the table shows the total the number of issues and the total workload remaining for this user.

Generating a 'User Workload' report

To generate a user workload report:
