


  • 该行被添加。
  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。



The list of auto-complete suggestions is displayed alphabetically and includes the first 15 matches. Note that auto-complete suggestions are not offered for #function parameters.

titlePlease note:
  • If no auto-complete suggestions are offered, your administrator may have disabled the "JQL Auto-complete" feature for your JIRA instance.
  • If you prefer not to be offered auto-complete suggestions, click the "Turn off auto-complete" link below the "#Query" box.

Auto-complete suggestions are not offered for all fields. Check the #fields reference to see which fields support auto-complete.

If you type a space at the start of your query...

...JIRA will offer a list of all available fields, e.g.:

If you type one or more characters...

...JIRA will offer a list of matching fields, e.g.:

If you type a field then a space...

...JIRA will offer a list of valid #operators, e.g.:

If you type a field, then an operator, then a space...

...JIRA will offer a list of valid values, e.g.:

If you type a field, then an operator, then one or more characters...

...JIRA will offer a list of valid values (if your #field supports this) and valid functions for the field/operator combination, e.g.:












In general, a query created using 'Simple Search' will be able to be translated to 'Advanced Search' (i.e. JQL), and back again.

However, a query created using 'Advanced Search' may not be able to be translated to 'Simple Search', particular if:

一般情况下, 使用'简单搜索' 模式的查询条件都可以翻译为 '高级搜索(JQL)'查询条件, 也可以反向翻译。

然而, 使用'高级搜索' 创建的查询条件不一定能够翻译成 '简单搜索'的查询条件, 特别是:

  • 查询语句中包括 或者(OR) 运算符 (使用在...之内(IN)运算符也可以被翻译成简单模式查询条件, 如 the query contains an OR operator (note you can have an IN operator and it will be translated, e.g. project in (A, B))
    • i.e. even though this query: (project = JRA OR project = CONF) is equivalent to this query:(project in (JRA, CONF)), only the second query will be translated.
  • the query contains a NOT operator
  • the query contains an EMPTY operator
  • the query contains any of the comparison operators: !=, IS, IS NOT, >, >=, <, <=
  • the query specifies a field and value that is related to a project (e.g. version, component, custom fields) and the project is not explicitly included in the query (e.g.
    fixVersion = "4.0", without the AND project=JRA). This is especially tricky with custom fields since they can be configured on a Project/Issue Type basis. The general rule of thumb is
    that if the query cannot be created in the 'Simple Search' form, then if it is created using 'Advanced Search' it will not be able to be translated to 'Simple Search'.



你既可以使用单引号 (') 也可以使用双引号 (").

If your search term contains a quote-mark, you will need to precede it with the escape character (back-slash), e.g.如果搜索条件中包含引号, 你需要在引号前加上转义符(反斜线), 例如:

"Type your name in the \"Login\" box"

If you use a single quote to escape your search term, then you can use the double quote (without escaping it) inside the single quotes; but you will have to escape any other single quotes. And vice-versa.

如果你的搜索条件中包含单引号, 那么你就可以在单引号里面使用双引号(不需要转义符); 但是你必须为其他单引号添加转义符,反之亦然。

注意有一些附加的 文本搜索保留字符在以下字段中应用Note that there is an additional list of reserved characters for Text Searches, which applies to the following fields:

quickstart:__JQL Text Fields
quickstart:__JQL Text Fields


(JIRA管理员请注意: 上面列表是 JqlStringSupportImpl.java 文件的固定编码。)

注意还有一些其他 文本搜索的保留字段, which applies to the following fields 在下面的字段中应用:

quickstart:__JQL Text Fields
quickstart:__JQL Text Fields