


  • 该行被添加。
  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。


  1. 依照搜索问题章节中的方法,完善和执行搜索。
  2. 点击问题导航器左侧的 '保存为过滤器 链接,将搜索条件保存为过滤器。
  3. 会显示'保存当前过滤器'页面。输入新问题过滤器的名称和描述。
  4. Your new filter will be added as a favourite filter by default upon creation. If you do not wish this filter to be added as a favourite, deselect the star icon. You can add the filter as a favourite after it has been created. Read more about 默认创建的过滤器会自动添加到你的收藏夹。 如果你不希望这个过滤器添加到收藏夹, 点击星形图标,使之变为灰色。 你可以在以后任何时间收藏这个过滤器。更多信息请参阅 adding an existing filter as a Favourite.
  5. The sharing of your new filter is defaulted, depending on your sharing preference in your user profile. If you have not specified a personal preference, then the global default for sharing will apply (i.e. 'Private', unless changed by your JIRA Administrator under 'User Defaults' in the Administration menu). If you wish to change the sharing of your filter, refer to the instructions on sharing filters below.
