JIRA强大的 问题搜索 功能可以让你 save 一个搜索条件以便日后重复使用。保存的搜索条件叫做 问题过滤器。




  1. 依照搜索问题章节中的方法,完善和执行搜索。
  2. 点击问题导航器左侧的 '保存为过滤器 链接,将搜索条件保存为过滤器。
  3. 会显示'保存当前过滤器'页面。输入新问题过滤器的名称和描述。
  4. Your new filter will be added as a favourite filter by default upon creation. If you do not wish this filter to be added as a favourite, deselect the star icon. You can add the filter as a favourite after it has been created. Read more about adding an existing filter as a Favourite.
  5. The sharing of your new filter is defaulted, depending on your sharing preference in your user profile. If you have not specified a personal preference, then the global default for sharing will apply (i.e. 'Private', unless changed by your JIRA Administrator under 'User Defaults' in the Administration menu). If you wish to change the sharing of your filter, refer to the instructions on sharing filters below.

请注意, 你必须有you need the 'Create Shared Object' global permission to be able to share your filter. If you cannot see the 'Shares' fields, contact your JIRA Administrator to have this permission added to your profile.


The 'Manage Filters' page allows you to view and configure filters that you have created, as well as work with filters that other users have shared with you.

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. The 'Manage Filters' page will display. From this page, you can perform the functions listed below:


Issue filters that you created or that have been shared by other people can be added as a favourite filter. This means that the filter will appear in the 'Filters' dropdown in the top menu, as well as, display in the 'Favourite Filters' gadget on your dashboard (if you have this gadget added to your dashboard).

Follow the steps below to add an existing shared filter as a favourite:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Locate the filter you wish to add as a favourite. If you created the filter, it will be listed under the 'My' tab, otherwise you can search for filters shared by other users via the 'Search' tab.
  3. Click the star icon next to the filter name to select it as a favourite.


Issue filters that you have created can be shared with other users via user groups, projects and project roles. Issue filters can also be shared globally.

Follow the steps below to share an existing issue filter:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Locate the filter you wish to share under the 'My' tab, and click the 'Edit' link in the 'Operations' column.
  3. Select the group, project or project role that you want to share the filter with, or share it with all users, if you wish. Click the 'Add' link to add the share. You can add further share permissions if you wish.
  4. 点击 '保存' 按钮使更改生效。

If the filter sharing functions described above are not available to you, you probably do not have the 'Create Shared Object' global permission assigned to you. Please contact your JIRA administrator to obtain this permission.


Issue filters that you have created or have been shared by other users can be found via the issue filter search function of the 'Manage Filters' page. If the filter has been added as a favourite by many users, you also may be able locate it on the 'Popular' tab of the 'Manage Filters' page. This tab lists the top twenty most popular filters, counted by the number of users that have selected the filter as a favourite.

Follow the steps below to search for an existing issue filter:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Click the 'Search' tab. The issue filter Search will display. Enter your search criteria and click 'Search' to run the search.
  3. Your search results will be displayed on the same page. Click the name of any issue filter to run it and select it as your current filter. You can also sort the search results by any of the columns, by clicking the column headers.


You can always update the details, i.e. Name, Description, Sharing, Favourite, of an existing Issue Filter after its creation. Please note that you can only update the details of Issue Filters which you have created.

Follow the steps below to update the details of one of your existing issue filters:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Click the 'My' tab. This tab displays all the filters that have been created by you.
  3. Locate the filter you wish to update, and click the 'Edit' link in the 'Operations' column.
  4. The 'Save Current Filter' page will display. Update the filter details as required. If you wish to change the sharing or favourite settings for the filter, refer to the relevant instructions above.
  5. Click the 'Save' button to save your changes.

If the filter sharing functions described above are not available to you, you probably do not have the 'Create Shared Object' global permission assigned to you. Please contact your JIRA administrator to obtain this permission.


The search criteria of an existing issue filter can always be changed after creation by editing the issue filter. You can also clone an existing issue filter via the edit function.

Issue filters that have been created by you or shared with you by other users can be edited and/or cloned.

Follow the steps below to edit and/or clone an existing issue filter:

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.

  2. Locate the filter you wish to edit/clone, and click the name of the issue filter to run it and select it as your current filter.


You can add an Issue Navigator Column Order to a saved filter. The results of a filter are displayed according to the saved column order, if the filter has one. Otherwise, the results are displayed according to your personal column order (if you have set this) or the system default.

To display your configured column order in a filter subscription, you must select 'HTML' for the 'Outgoing email format' in your User Profile. If you are receiving text emails from JIRA, you will not be able to see your configured column order.


To add a column layout to a saved filter,

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Select the 'My' tab, locate the filter whose column layout you to reorder and save, and then click that filter's 'Columns' link in the 'Operations' column.
  3. Configure the column order as desired. You can configure the column order the same way you would configure your personal Issue Navigator column order.


To remove a filter's saved column layout,

  1. On the top navigation bar, click the 'Issues' dropdown and select 'Manage Filters' from the list.
  2. Select the 'My' tab, locate the filter whose column layout you wish to remove and click that filter's 'Columns' link in the 'Operations' column.
  3. Click the 'Remove Filter's Column Order' link near the top of the page. The default column order will be restored.

Overriding Column Order

If a filter has a saved column order, the results will be presented using that column order when the filter is run. You can, however, choose to use your own column order (or the system default column order, if you do not have a personal one configured) to view the results. To do this, click the 'Use your default Column Order' link on the right of the Issue Navigator search results screen.

To go back to using the filter's own column order, select the 'Use filter's Column Order' link.


When the results of a saved filter are exported to Excel, the column order and choice of columns are those that were saved with the filter. Even if a user has configured a personal column order for the results on the screen, the saved configuration is used for the Excel export. To export using your own configuration, save a copy of the filter along with your configuration and then export the results to Excel.
