


  • 该行被添加。
  • 该行被删除。
  • 格式已经改变。



Atlassian JIRA Software 团队隆重宣布 JIRA Software 7.4 已经发布。





JIRA Software 7.3中, 我们允许项目管理员编辑他们自己的项目工作流。现在, 我们为项目管理权限添加了更多功能。 当授权给后, Extended project administration 权限将允许项目管理员:

title编辑项目工作流, 点击这里了解具体的限制
  • 不能编辑系统工作流或其他项目共享使用的工作流.
  • 只能在工作流中添加已经存在的状态。也就是项目管理员不能添加新状态,也不能编辑已有的状态.
  • 如果JIRA问题已经使用了某种状态,那么无法从工作流中移除这个状态.
  • 项目管理员可以创建、编辑、删除工作流跳转动作, 但是无法选择或更新跳转界面, 或编辑查看工作流属性.
title编辑项目界面, 点击这里了解具体限制
  • 不能编辑系统默认界面.
  • 不能编辑其他项目使用的,或工作流中中使用的界面.
  • 项目管理员可以对界面中的系统字段进行 添加、移除以及排序操作.
  • 项目管理员可以对界面中的自定义字段进行 添加、移除以及排序操作,但不能增加自定义字段。

The Extended project administration option is enabled by default. If you're a JIRA administrator, you can disable it by selecting  选项默认开启. 如果你是 JIRA 管理员, 那么你可以通过  > Issues 问题 > Permission schemes, and then choosing the relevant permission scheme to edit. Project and JIRA administrators can also view the Extended project administration setting when they're viewing their project by selecting Project settings > Permissions, however the JIRA administrator can't edit the setting here.权限方案, 并编辑相关的权限设置. 项目和 JIRA 管理员可以通过 项目 > 权限 查看 Extended project administration 设置, 当然JIRA管理员可以修改。


Kanban backlog

We've implemented the ability to create a Kanban backlog that displays on a separate screen to your Kanban board. This frees up your Kanban board from the weight of a lengthy To Do list, and gives you separate areas for planning and for working. In the Backlog view, you'll be able to drag issues from your backlog to an area that's defined as the first column in your board. In the example below, which uses the default Kanban project, that column is defined as Selected for Development, and appears at the top of the Backlog view.

Note that in the example above, issue MK-2 is in the Selected for Development area of the Backlog view. In the example below, which displays your Kanban board view, issue MK-2 is in the Selected for Development column.

If you're a board administrator, you can turn on the Kanban backlog by accessing your standard Kanban board and selecting   > Configure > Columns. There you'll see instructions on how to set up your Kanban backlog, and how to disable it if it's not something your team wants to use.



We've implemented an exporter which exports JIRA issues in an HTML format. When viewing a list of issues, select  对于JIRA问题导出数据,我们增加了HTML格式. 当查看JIRA问题列表时, 选择     > HTML (All fields)  or  所有字段)  或     > HTML (Current fields) . If required, a JIRA administrator can disable the HTML export option by setting the jira.export.html.enabled property to false at  当前字段) 。 如果需要,  JIRA 管理员可以在     > System  >  Advanced Settings . 中设置jira.export.html.enabled 为 false,来禁止导出为HTML

Given that the HTML export can be quite memory intensive in large JIRA Software instances, we've also added two additional properties to the Advanced Settings page. These properties allow a JIRA administrator to control the default number of search results allowed to be exported by a user (jira.search.views.default.max) and the absolute maximum number of search results allowed to be exported (jira.search.views.max.limit). This allows an admin to prevent users from attempting to export a large number of results, which could result in performance problems with your instance.


In-app notifications

We've implemented a system add-on which provides targeted notifications within your JIRA Software instance, predominantly to JIRA administrators. These notifications will alert you when new JIRA versions are available, and of upcoming license renewals. The in-app notifications are delivered by a system add-on, and can be controlled by selecting  > Add-ons > Manage add-ons, and then filtering for Atlassian Notifications. We actually shipped this in JIRA Software 7.3.8, but we're just making sure you know about it. You may even be reading these release notes because you've been directed here by an in-app notification.



We've added a few smaller enhancements, all designed to make the user and admin experiences a little easier and more efficient:

  • We've continued to work on the zero downtime upgrade experience for our JIRA Software Data Center customers, and made it possible to upgrade between any compatible JIRA Software Data Center version using zero downtime upgrades.
  • The "Shared by" lozenge  has now been replaced with a "Used by" lozenge .
  • We’ve improved navigation around editing workflows and introduced the draft mode that allows you to easily quit editing if you don’t want to publish your changes. Also, you can now edit your workflows in the Workflows section of the Projects settings instead of going to each issue type.

  • We've added more events to the audit log that allow admins to view changes to their project's workflows and screens, so they'll know who changed what, and where, if they ever need to roll back a project's settings.
  • We've improved the garbage collection logs, and they're now generated automatically, you'll be able to find them in your logs at <installation-directory>/logs.
  • We've improved our error and problem reporting for JIRA Software installations and upgrades to make it more informational, added details on possible resolutions, and links to more information.